Welcome to

Weather Station Strijen

We are the official Weather Station of Strijen, Hoeksche Waard, The Netherlands. For 25 years our Weather Station has been providing the local community with consistent, accurate, quality data.

On this Website I will list up all of the equipment that we use to provide high quality Weather data.


Weather Station

Latitude 51° 44' 25" N
Longitude 4° 32' 55" E
Current Conditions at  27-07-24 - 12:00 h
Automated Weather Data, 5-minute intervals.


Current Reading:  --- °C
Today's High:  --- °C at ----h
Today's Low:  --- °C at ----h
This Year High:  31.7 °C
This Year Low:  -5.6 °C


Current Reading:  --- %
Today's High:  --- % at ----h
Today's Low:  --- % at ----h
This Year High:  96 %
This Year Low:  39 %


Current Reading:  1013.7 mb
Today's High:  1013.8 mb at  9:57h
Today's Low:  1012.4 mb at  5:25h
This Year High:  1036.4 mb
This Year Low:  973.5 mb

Our intentions

Amateur Meteorology has been around for centuries, but a lifelong interest in Weather phenomena motivated this page.
Our main intentions with this Website are to provide you with informational content.


Current Wind Speed:  --- km/hr
Wind Direction In Degrees:  ---
Wind Direction Sector:  ---
High Monthly Wind Speed:  56.3 km/hr
High Yearly Wind Speed:  70.8 km/hr


Daily Rain:  0.0 mm
Rain Rate p/hr:  -0.2 mm/hr
Max Neerslag:  0.0 mm at ----h
Monthly Rain:  13.2 mm
Annual Rain:  96.4 mm

Dew Point

Dew Point:  --- °C
High Dew Point:  --- °C at ----h
Low Dew Point:  --- °C at ----h
Wind Chill:  --- °C
Low Wind Chill:  --- °C at ----