Davis Versatile Wireless Weather Stations are among the highest quality, constructed very tough and can withstand the harshest weather conditions.
Please find below a brief description of the most relevant aspects of this Weather Station and Website designed
by PC-Unlimited.
Weather Station Strijen has a 24 hr FARS. The wind vane and anemometer are mounted 9 metres above the ground.
Davis Instruments 6152EU Wireless Vantage Pro2 Plus Weather Station with 24-Hr Fan-Aspirated Radiation Shield.
The latest in weather technology!
The ISS includes a Rain Gauge, Temperature and Humidity Sensors, Anemometer, Barometric Pressure, Weather Vane and Solar Radiation and UV sensors.
It has a solar panel to recharge the units battery power supply.
Davis Vantage Pro2 Plus Weather Stations are among the highest quality and most accurate.
This Solar-powered Wireless Station will transmit Temperature, Humidity etc. etc. readings to a Weather Envoy Receiver. In addition, the WeatherLink IP Data Logger automatically uploads to a Web Server.
The Data is collected every 2.5 seconds in a local Database and updated every 5 minutes, 24/7/365. The local weather information is then transferred to this Website every 5 minutes.